A practical Masterclass beyond Gold Plating : Essential-Only Approaches for Intervention Efficiency
Join us to:
- assess the success conditions of SCO : indicators, calculations and data collection, risks
- focus on the specific risks of Single Lump Sums
- launch clearer calls and selection criteria updating your Application pack (application form, contract and payment claim)
- focus on the risks for ex-ante, ex-post and on-the-spot checks
- make a better use of your Checklist, IT platform and AI
Key elements:
- Looking to the most up-dated experiences of simplification at EU and Member-States level
- Listing simplification actions (quick-wins and long-term success)
- Presenting all Simplified Cost Options / FNLC by thematic and their success conditions
- Focusing on possibilities to relate checks and calls to sound outputs and results and not inputs
- Ensuring the best collection of data, calculations and updates
- Tackling adjustments of the Management & Control System
- Focusing on concrete changes of the application forms, contracts and payment claims
- Using IT tools and AI in a proactive and interactive way (platforms, API, apps…)
- Adjusting calls, appraisal checklist, selection criteria, contract and reports
- Anticipating audit and screening the selection, contracting and reporting phases
- Mitigating the risks: sampling, walk-through testing
- Looking for new responsibilities and skills for the 2021-2027 period
- Discussions, group work, cases and concrete examples
Ask for specific on site Seminar / group request for your Team