Mastering EU Simplification Practical Steps

A practical Masterclass beyond Gold Plating : Essential-Only Approaches for Intervention Efficiency

Join us to:

  1. assess the success conditions of SCO : indicators, calculations and data collection, risks
  2. focus on the specific risks of Single Lump Sums
  3. launch clearer calls and selection criteria updating your Application pack (application form, contract and payment claim)
  4. focus on the risks for ex-ante, ex-post and on-the-spot checks
  5. make a better use of your Checklist, IT platform and AI

Key elements:

  • Looking to the most up-dated experiences of simplification at EU and Member-States level
  • Listing simplification actions (quick-wins and long-term success)
  • Presenting all Simplified Cost Options / FNLC by thematic and their success conditions
  • Focusing on possibilities to relate checks and calls to sound outputs and results and not inputs
  • Ensuring the best collection of data, calculations and updates
  • Tackling adjustments of the Management & Control System
  • Focusing on concrete changes of the application forms, contracts and payment claims
  • Using IT tools and AI in a proactive and interactive way (platforms, API, apps…)
  • Adjusting calls, appraisal checklist, selection criteria, contract and reports
  • Anticipating audit and screening the selection, contracting and reporting phases
  • Mitigating the risks: sampling, walk-through testing
  • Looking for new responsibilities and skills for the 2021-2027 period
  • Discussions, group work, cases and concrete examples

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