Maximising the Use of AI for EU and public funds (new session)

A Hands-on Workshop on Implementing AI Solutions for Enhanced Fund Management and Control 2-day face-to-face Seminar 4-5 April 2025 in Milan After the success of our first Session organised in 2024 and based on the most recent use of AI tools for public funds management, this Second Session will be the occasion to deepen the testing and experimenting the AI options and success conditions by : Exploring possibilities to use Artificial Intelligence for the Management and Control of Public funds as well as EU funds Testing concrete applications including the pros and the cons and success conditions Focusing on the
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Mastering EU Simplification Practical Steps

A practical Masterclass beyond Gold Plating : Essential-Only Approaches for Intervention Efficiency Join us to: assess the success conditions of SCO : indicators, calculations and data collection, risks focus on the specific risks of Single Lump Sums launch clearer calls and selection criteria updating your Application pack (application form, contract and payment claim) focus on the risks for ex-ante, ex-post and on-the-spot checks make a better use of your Checklist, IT platform and AI Key elements: Looking to the most up-dated experiences of simplification at EU and Member-States level Listing simplification actions (quick-wins and long-term success) Presenting all Simplified Cost
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PFM 2.0, yes or no?

Covid crisis. War context. Stagflation maybe. What a context to speak about Public Funds Management (PFM) and to consider whether or not we are changing paradigm. Changing times as well with new generation of EU funds, the 2021-2027 financial perspectives. So are we influenced by these funds or just moving forward at National level on our own ? 3 main components to consider: Performance management If there’s for sure a breakthrough coming from EU is the use of indicators. Not indicative indicators but driving indicators to consider first. No more ‘activity-input-based’ approach but more results-oriented and outputs-based financing. In short,
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[Debate] Are beneficiaries really the beneficiaries?

Imagine you are in a training. And you ask yourself who is the beneficiary of this training? Logical answer should be me! I’m the beneficiary of this training! Common sense. But according to EU Regulation, the beneficiary is the one preparing and/or implementing the operation. In short, the one getting the money (the training organisation, the municipality or the ministry organising it…). This is confusing. So, time for a change? OECD did that change already. Beneficiaries are defined as, “the individuals, groups, or organisations, whether targeted or not, that benefit directly or indirectly, from the development intervention.” But this is
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New compromise text for Common Provisions Regulation

New year, new presidency of the Council of the EU and this time, and for the first time of EU history, this is the turn of CROATIA. Everybody is looking for : best agreement on MFF (multiannual financial framework) in line with EU ambitions on the #greendeal and carbon-neutral economy ; a sound vision on Enlargement and Migration ; and also full approval of the Regulation package on Cohesion policy. 2021-2027 Common Provisions Regulation, what’s going on? Remember, it was on 29 May 2018, European Commission released it’s first proposal of Common Provisions Regulation. A good occasion to anticipate the
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