
2024, a very practical year

Next Seminars

7 ways to improve your Project and Programme management


5 days in Paris to cover all the key aspects of European projects and programmes management

The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Public Funds


Testing the possibilities of use of AI tools to improve Management and Control

Project and Programme management (Study Visit)


Improving the full application and implementation

The Secrets of Absorption


3 days in Rome to get all the tips to foster absorption in a Secure way

The Vision of Achievements


Making better visualisation of the results and indicators

State Aid Workshop


Respecting and integrating State Aid rules based on the best practices

Results-oriented Management Online


All that you’re supposed to know about new management of projects and programmes in an efficient and effective way

Making you Better Project Manager Online


Getting Online all the essentials of project management integrating partners, objectives, budget, closure and reporting

Making you Better Verification Officer Online


Getting Online all the essentials of verification focusing on errors, ieeregularities and suspected fraud on a day-to-day basis

Meet the Team

Franck Sottou

Key International Expert

Alun Williams

Senior Expert ESIF, State Aid & PPPs

Join our Team

You are (want to become) lecturer ?

Please contact@etcp.fr

Susanne Volz

Senior Control and Audit Expert

Goran Zakanji

Key Financial Expert

Guest Lecturer 


Senior Control and Verification Expert

Colm Dunne

Senior International Public Sector Team Leader

Raili Truup

Risk analyzis, risk management

Public financial management, public services

Data analysis, process design

Richard Harding

Integrated territorial development Expert