

ETCP face-to-face trainings take place all over Europe and in Partner Countries on-demand

Our Methodology

Our trainings are focused on practical dimensions of EU Funds management. They are delivered by international experts and practitioners to groups with a limited number of participants, we facilitate exchange of experience and good practices between Member States. To maintain the learning curve steep, we keep our learners engaged through:

  • Presentations of practical examples
  • Exercises
  • Quizzes
  • Case studies
  • Peer-learning discussions
  • Final test that can bring you a certificate of qualification

Our Participants

Our objective is to improve professional qualifications of those who manage EU and public Funds at project or programme level. Focused on efficient, effective and results-oriented management, we offer trainings and specific support primarily to public bodies managing EU Funds (ESIF, Horizon2020, IPA, ENI) in EU Member States and neighbourhood countries:

  • Managing Authorities
  • Intermediate Bodies
  • Certification Authorities
  • Audit Authorities

Upcoming Trainings

The use of AI for Public Funds (new)

Testing the application of Artificial Intelligence tools to improve Management and Control 2-day face-to-face Seminar 14-15 November 2024 in Milan Based on the most recent use of AI tools for

7 ways to improve your Project and Programme management

5 days to discover with us in Paris all the key aspects of EU funds management (Cohesion and RRF). From the basic definitions about operation, outputs and results to the

The Vision of Achievements with greater indicators (new)

Gaining experience about the use of indicators and visualisation of results Practical presentation about the best use of visuals and graphics to improve the use of indicators and reporting A

Errors, Irregularities & Fraud | Control & Annual Closures | Sustainable Development & Circular Economy | Competition Rules: State Aid, Public Procurement | SCO & Financial Instruments | Transeuropean Cooperation (ETC, IPA, ENI) | 5-day EU Funds management A-Z | Agriculture & Rural Development | Indicators & Monitoring | Sustainable Urban Development | Sampling | Simplification | Gender Equality | Territorial & Integrated Development