State Aid Rules Now

Respecting competition rules is one of the key condition of successful implementation of EU funds. But these rules are not only Public Procurement rules, there are also State Aid to ensure that all advantages (direct or indirect) granted to economic operators (profitable or non-profitable) are granted in a fair and equitable way. So it concerns not only National but all Regional and local actors and it’s not only for the benefit of private firms but all actors and bodies delivering services that could influence economic situation, including social activities. 

Face-to-Face Seminar onsite / on demand

Key elements:

  • Screening of your system and specific tools for checking application of State Aid rules
  • Specific focus on State Aid exemptions :
    – Potential errors and irregularities
    – Specific support to SME and economic development (including Tourism)
    – Specific support to Environment, Energy, local infrastructures…
    – Specific support to Health sector and social activities (housing, kindergartens…)
    • Examples of checklists and controls on-the-spot (appraisal and verification)
    • Systemic errors
    • New trends in Notified Schemes
    • Full possibilities of GBER
    • Application in concrete of SSGI / SGEI
    • Dangerous De Minimis!
  • Risks-management : scoring and sampling of operations and costs

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