Project and Programme Management (Study Visit)

Upgrading the full application pack integrating better Analysis: Calls, Contracts, Claims and Checks

4 intensive days to improve Management, Monitoring and Control based on concrete Walk-through Checks with Beneficiaries and a good occasion to improve the design and implementation of new calls and Management & Control systems. This study visit will focus on the CBA and On-going Monitoring of  Project. Verification and Monitoring for both “soft” and “hard” interventions of Cohesion and RRF will be tackled to see concrete improvement of  economic calculation and data collection and reporting from beneficiaries to authorities. A panel of experts (including beneficiary representatives,..) will present their techniques, tools and checklists with a specific discussion about the type and level of corrections and possible improvement of checks and procurement, making also a particular focus on Green Energy Transition projects. How to make it efficient, fair and proportionate ? A good occasion to simplify and in the meantime to make more secure checks. A good occasion as well to visit and talk directly to Beneficiaries around Dubrovnik and make concrete illustration of findings and exchange of data.

by Franck SOTTOU and Guests

4-day Face-to-Face Seminar

5-8 November 2024 in Dubrovnik

Key elements:

  • Looking for errors and irregularities in a more effective way
    • feedbacks from desk-based checks
    • planning of controls / sampling methods
    • Specific checks of state aid, PP, conflict of interest, risks of fraud
  • Presenting new guidance for risks based checks
    • specific questions and checklists
    • reporting techniques
  • Looking to the best practices for coupling technical and financial checks
    • new accountability at operation level
    • linking ex-ante and ex-post checks
  • Getting key alerts about deliverables and indicators
    • key and specific data to be collected
    • milestones and payment conditions for cohesion and RRF
  • Linking in a better way ex-ante / ex-post / desk-based / on-the-spot checks
    • Making clear distinction between 1st and 2nd level checks
    • Focusing on checklist and specific data collection
    • Ensuring sound walk-through checks
  • Insisting on dialogue with beneficiaries
  • Visits on-the-spot and case studies around Dubrovnik (one hard, one soft operation)
  • One cohesion dinner and/or tour visit

Full Agenda

The Visit of PELJESAC Bridge 

The Venue

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