4 intensive days to improve in concrete your Risk management system using Walk-through Checks of 2 examples (soft and hard projects)
Time to sample and to identify the risks to ensure to the best their mitigation at programme, project and expenditures level. This seminar is the occasion to work on all the new expectations and to illustrate by practical cases the mapping, scoring and mitigation of risks.
This is also the opportunity to meet some contributors of the 2021-2027 guidance and to define your methodology integrating desk-based AND on-the-spot checks both for operations and expenditures and to make more efficient and effective checks and controls. This Seminar will include an AI dimension about sampling operations, payment claims and expenditures for MA and IBs in a simple and effective way.
by Goran ZAKANJI and Franck SOTTOU
4-day Face-to-Face Seminar
3-6 June 2025 in Dubrovnik
Key elements:
- Mapping, scoring and mitigating the risks using sampling methods
- Tackling in concrete the identification of specific risks
- Setting up a full scoring of the level of risks taken into account mitigation actions
- Ensuring selection of operations / payment claims / expenditures for sampling
- Proportionating the checks to the level of risks
- Planning the checks and organising the visits on-the-spot
- Making clear distinction between statistical / non statistical sampling
- Identifying the best practices for scoring and weighting of the risks
- Defining the qualification of risks managers
- Making concrete exercises of sampling of operations and costs
- Risks factors (generic and specific)
- Selection of items – operations and payment claims
- Conclusion and extension of samples – from 0 to 100%
- Drafting an Action plan for design of risk management methodology
- including some concrete illustrations applicable to MA/IB
- Visits on-the-spot and case studies around Dubrovnik (one hard, one soft operation)
- One cohesion dinner and/or tour visit