7 ways to improve your Project and Programme management

5 days to discover with us in Paris all the key aspects of EU funds management (Cohesion and RRF). From the basic definitions about operation, outputs and results to the most elaborate logframes and financial control issues. This seminar is associated with a personal test in the beginning and at the end to validate the gain of qualification and includes a face-to-face discussion about potential improvements and specific questions.    by Franck SOTTOU and/or Goran ZAKANJI 5-day Face-to-Face Seminar 2-6 December 2024 Key elements: General vision about EU funds management Key definitions Modernised logframes Simplification and efficient management Specific focus
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The Vision of Achievements with greater indicators (new)

Gaining experience about the use of indicators and visualisation of results Practical presentation about the best use of visuals and graphics to improve the use of indicators and reporting A good occasion to tackle and improve the stakeholders’ participation and visibility on the ground of EU funds 3-day Face-to-Face Seminar Barcelona 16-18  October 2024 Learning objective Looking for more simple, specific and relevant use of indicators at all stages Making better presentation of the results using visuals and graphics Learning points Presenting new guidances for monitoring and evaluation Using graphic design techniques and tools Looking to the best practices for
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Project and Programme Management (Study Visit)

Upgrading the full application pack integrating better Analysis: Calls, Contracts, Claims and Checks 4 intensive days to improve Management, Monitoring and Control based on concrete Walk-through Checks with Beneficiaries and a good occasion to improve the design and implementation of new calls and Management & Control systems. This study visit will focus on the CBA and On-going Monitoring of  Project. Verification and Monitoring for both “soft” and “hard” interventions of Cohesion and RRF will be tackled to see concrete improvement of  economic calculation and data collection and reporting from beneficiaries to authorities. A panel of experts (including beneficiary representatives,..) will
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Stronger Simplification On-Demand Workshop

Walking through all procedures, tools and costs to make it really happen (SCO, IT, selection, control and application package) SCOs are in the air but at what conditions and under what surveillance ? This training is the occasion to screen all the options and requirements to integrate it in Programmes based on ex-ante discussions with auditors, in calls and in projets to allow full simplification and security for both Authorities and Beneficiaries. This seminar offers also the possibility to tackle in details the possible application and precise calculations and related risks for soft and hard interventions in relation with key
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State Aid Rules Now

Respecting competition rules is one of the key condition of successful implementation of EU funds. But these rules are not only Public Procurement rules, there are also State Aid to ensure that all advantages (direct or indirect) granted to economic operators (profitable or non-profitable) are granted in a fair and equitable way. So it concerns not only National but all Regional and local actors and it’s not only for the benefit of private firms but all actors and bodies delivering services that could influence economic situation, including social activities.  Face-to-Face Seminar onsite / on demand Key elements: Screening of your
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