
Gaining qualification and changing your practices

You will improve with us your skills and practices in a concrete way

The priority is given to small groups for on-the-job training and immediate results

2025 Seminars at a Glance


We propose you a date and a place

You choose participant (small group / team / individual)

Lectures on site (experts)

Training material available online

Limited number of participants to be effective

Quiz and final certificate of qualification at the end

15% early registration (up to 2 months before the event)

10% for 2 or more participants from the same institution

On-the-spot Seminar

You choose a date at your convenience

You choose participant (small group / team / individual)

Specific and interactive presentation by expert

Training material available on ETCP Platform

Limited number of participants to be effective

Specific cases and presentations for you

Quiz and final certificate of qualification at the end

Price on request

Full online Lessons

You choose the topic

The number of participant (discount from 2)

Access 24/7 to the content : videos, PPT voiceover, text…

Full secured access during 2 months  on ETCP platform

Specific case studies for you + correction online

Quiz and final certificate of qualification at the end

10% for 2 or more participants from the same institution

Upcoming Trainings

Maximising the Use of AI for EU and public funds (new session)

A Hands-on Workshop on Implementing AI Solutions for Enhanced Fund Management and Control 2-day face-to-face Seminar 3-4 April 2025 in Milan After the success of our first Session organised in

Mastering EU Simplification Practical Steps

A practical Masterclass beyond Gold Plating : Essential-Only Approaches for Intervention Efficiency Join us to: assess the success conditions of SCO : indicators, calculations and data collection, risks focus on

Getting Projects and Programmes results and milestones Right

A New Seminar in Paris to go back to Basic Essential Tools That Actually Work for European and National Plans 3 days to discover with us in Paris all the

Managing Risks from Analysis to Action

4 intensive days to improve in concrete your Risk management system using Walk-through Checks of 2 examples (soft and hard projects) Time to sample and to identify the risks to

Leveraging GREEN TECH Financial Instruments

A Hands-on Study Visit in VILNIUS on Green Tech Investment and success stories in the Baltic States Welcome to our special study visit in Lithuania presenting experiences and knowledge from

Stronger Simplification On-Demand Workshop

Walking through all procedures, tools and costs to make it really happen (SCO, IT, selection, control and application package) SCOs are in the air but at what conditions and under

Making you Better Verification Officer Online

Making you Better Verification Officer Online Tackling all key aspects of  verification : errors, irregularities, suspected fraud, desk-based/on the spot checks, corrections and reporting. Full access during 2 months to

State Aid Rules Now

Respecting competition rules is one of the key condition of successful implementation of EU funds. But these rules are not only Public Procurement rules, there are also State Aid to

Results-oriented Management (ROM) | E-training

E-training structure The training is accessible 24/7 wherever, whenever you want on ETCP Platform. Lesson 1: Key Technical Terms & Definitions ; Presentation of the old/new Logframes Welcome note Presentation